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Celebrating Five Years of Partnership Between Manufacton and 百家乐软件

Written by: Jack Moran, Manager of VDC Services

我们不断努力提供新的和创新的服务,为客户提供最好的项目成果. Five years ago when Raghi Iyengar decided to found Manufacton, a software company that would bring the best of manufacturing to construction, 接触百家乐软件,帮助开发一个专门用于支持预制和非现场施工的软件系统, 我们认为这是与他和他的团队合作的完美选择,因为百家乐软件仍在开发我们的预制方法. Fast forward to today, 我们看到Raghi和他的团队发展到50人,为整个行业提供服务.

manufacturing先进的基于云的软件帮助公司管理建筑材料, offsite production, 在他们的整个业务中进行现场安装-专家支持以保持它们的运行. By working out of 百家乐软件’s headquarters five years ago, Raghi was able to hear directly from teams what they needed, specifically on projects that had pre-fabrication and modular building components. 对于百家乐软件来说,这也是一个独特的机会,可以看到软件开发的幕后发生了什么.

To celebrate his work with us, I sat down with Raghi to talk about the origin of our partnership with his team, hear his insights into future trends, 以及他在过去五年中与百家乐软件团队一起工作的乐趣.

Can you tell us how the partnership between 百家乐软件 and Manufacton came to be?

Raghi: I have been in the construction technology business for over 30 years. Earlier in this decade, I started to see construction companies looking to take their construction offsite. 他们正在评估是否有机会做更多的预制件、套件,甚至是体积模块. In essence, the construction industry was trying to emulate manufacturing. 我遇到了Matthew 百家乐软件,听听他对这将如何影响未来建筑的看法. 他证实自己也注意到了这些趋势,并在思考康西格利如何能够带头推动这一运动. He invited me to work in 百家乐软件’s headquarters in Milford, 这样我就可以完全沉浸在行业中,并从项目主管那里获得观点, 访问工作现场,与分包商见面,听取他们的第一手需求和潜在的障碍.

Q: Did having a desk at 百家乐软件 help shape Manufacton’s business?

R: The opportunity to have 百家乐软件 as an incubator has been amazing. 在百家乐软件的办公室工作最好的部分是可以直接接触团队,并能够与项目主管合作, VDC engineers and general superintendents. 百家乐软件团队成员会过来问我们在做什么,并讨论预制和行业想法. 在我们开发软件的过程中,获得他们的观点和见解真的很有帮助——特别是在了解过渡到非现场施工的风险方面. They also introduced us to innovative subcontractors. 我们会一起集思广益,讨论预制和制造在建筑中是什么样子的, 我相信正是这些合作的时刻造就了今天的制造业.

Q: What innovations in AEC are you driving with Manufacton?

R: 当我们开始和主管们讨论把更多的施工移出现场时, 很明显,他们最大的担忧是失去对建筑供应链的可视性和控制. A superintendent summarized it very well. 他说:“我每天至少在工作现场走几次,以确保一切顺利. 如果有人告诉我,我需要呆在拖车里,每两周只走一次工地,我不会高兴的. But that is what happens when you take work offsite. You cannot drive over to all the remote factories, 但你需要确保你有可视性和控制哪个分包商在哪个工厂制造什么预制组件, when are they supposed to be produced and delivered to the job site, and how far along they are in the process. 我不希望有任何意外,当事情应该出现在我的工作现场.” Everyone on the project has access to Manufacton in the cloud, and gets visibility into current status. 协调BIM/VDC模型自动颜色编码,以显示哪些预制组件或模块是详细的, manufacturing, delivery or installation. They can fliter the model to show what has been installed in the past month, what is scheduled to be delivered in the next month and so on.

分包商和模块化软件利用制造优化他们的工厂生产,因为他们推动做更多的预制件. 他们中的一些人甚至将他们的业务垂直化,成为设计-制造-建造公司. 在制造之前,他们最大的挫折是他们的工厂是一个“黑盒子”,他们自己的设计和现场团队无法看到他们的工厂生产.

Q: Can you describe a 百家乐软件 project that utilized Manufacton’s technology?

R: The team for the 50 Rogers Street 项目引入了制造业,因为他们在计划阶段就决定使用预制件. 该项目是剑桥的一座多功能建筑,几乎没有任何布局或区域需要建造. 建筑的预制构件来自不同的地区:钢材来自加拿大, bathroom pods from a factory in Florida, and the infinity wall system from Pennsylvania. Traditionally, 团队将不得不打电话给不同的制造商以获取状态更新,并跟踪冗长的项目简报. In this case, however, 该团队在整个过程中利用制造来跟踪所有这些移动部件. The software provides a color-coded, 建筑的数字模型,以便团队可以快速扫描模型,查看建筑的哪个部分在细节上, manufacturing, delivery, or installing phases.

Q: What have you enjoyed the most in working with 百家乐软件?

R: The culture. 百家乐软件是一家极具创新精神的公司,员工都不安于现状. Teams ask questions, are always open to ideas, and are very supportive. 百家乐软件从一开始就是我们的合作伙伴,帮助我们塑造我们的思维,并验证我们一路走来的发现. I hope we keep growing together for many years to come.

Manufacton愿意成为百家乐软件团队的一员,这对两家公司来说都是非常宝贵的合作伙伴关系. As we look to the future, by continuing to push further into prefabrication, Raghi和更大的manufacturing团队的响应能力和洞察力将继续为两家公司更好地服务客户带来丰富的成果.